

The Albuquerque Astronomical Society

Buy telescopes online

Info on constellations

Interactive Sky Chart

Live space viewings

Major Meteor Showers

NASA’s astronomy picture of the day

New Mexico Skies

Online space news


Interactive Sky Chart

Satellite Tracking and Predictions

Sky & Telescope Online Magazine

Space Telescope Institute Space Resources

Astronomy Magazine

Department of Physics and Astronomy
of New Mexico Campus
1919 Lomas BlvdNE
Albuquerque NM 87131


The Backyard Astronomer's Guide by Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer

Beyond the Moon by Kraemer Robert

Chaco Astronomy: An Ancient American Cosmology
by Ana Sofaer and contributors to The Solstice Project

Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy by Christopher DePree & Alan Axelrod

Cosmic Horizons, Astronomy at the Cutting Edge edited by Steven Soter and Neil deGrasse Tyson

Guide to Amateur Astronomy by Newton and Teece

100 Billion Suns – The Birth, Life, and Death of the Stars by Rudolph Kippenhahn

Prehistoric Astronomy in the Southwestby J. McKim Malville and Claudia Putnam

Star Trails: Navajo by Don Childrey

Stairways to the Stars: Skywatching in Three Great Ancient Culturesby Anthony Aveni

The Universe and Beyond
by Terence Dickinson


The Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center
Hosts an Annual Enchanted Skies Star Party during the third week of September.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
Each fall, hosts its Annual New Mexico Symposium at the NRAO Array Operations Center in Socorro. See their calendar for details and exact date for this year’s event.

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