
(Remember, anything you plant in the soil in DCP must be native to the general area. Non-native plants in pots cannot be allowed to seed into the soil.)


Native Plant Society of New Mexico, Albuquerque Chapter
Meetings and Programs at Museum of Natural History, Multipurpose Room, 1801 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque. Meetings on first Wednesday of month, at 7pm.

Natural Resource Conservation Service Plants Database

New Mexico Rare Plant List and Plant Search 

New Mexico Rare Plants Technical Council
333 Broadway Blvd., SE, Rm. 209 
Albuquerque, NM 87102 
Fax: 505-842-3152

State Protected Plants of New Mexico 


A Field Guide to Grasses of New Mexico by Kelly W. Allred-NMSU  

Audubon Guide to Wildflowers (new edition) by Richard Spellenberg 

Best Plants for New Mexico by Baker H. Morrow 

Central New Mexico Gardens: A Native Plant Selection Guide by Native Plant Society of NM publication, 2005 www.npsnm.unm.edu

Common Southwestern Native Plants by Jack L. Carter 

Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West by Gregory L Tilford 

Flowers of the Southwest Mountains by Leslie Preston Arnberger 

Healing Herbs of the Upper Rio Grande by L.S.M. Curtin 

Infusion of Healing: A Treasury of Mexican-American Herbal Remedies by Joie Davidow 

Landscaping with Native Plants of the Southwest by George Oxford Miller. Published by Voyageur Press,  2007.  The author resides in Albuquerque.   SBN-13: 978-0-7603-2968-9 (softbound);  ISBN-10: 0-7603-2968-0 (softbound)

Los Remedios by Michael Moore 

National Audubon Society Regional Guide to the Southwestern States published by the National Audubon Society 

New Mexico Vegetation: Past, Present, and Future by William A. Dick-Peddie 

100 Desert Wildflowers of the Southwest by Janice Emily Bowers 

Shrubs and Trees of the Southwest Deserts by Janice Emily Bowers 

Weeds of the West by Tom D. Whitson 

Wild Plants of the Pueblo Province by William W. Dunmire & Gail D. Tierney

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